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What if your PC only worked 20% of the time?

No company on earth would ever put up with only 20% of their technological capital working. But many, many, many companies do little or nothing to solve the human capital issues that are in this same state of dis-repair.

Of course not. But given the global employee dis-engagement epidemic, that’s what most managers face with their own staff’s productivity.
This was an analogy that Lauren Voyce, Director of HR and Talent, McDonald’s Restaurants (NZ) used at an HR Leaders Forum in Auckland a year or so ago. She described an office where only 20% of the computers worked well all of the time, 60% worked well some time, but could be slow or inefficient, and 20% actively spread viruses throughout the rest of the company’s computers.
Compelling analogy. No company on earth would ever let a scenario like this continue with their technology capital. But many, many, many companies do little or nothing to solve the human capital issues that are in this state of dis-repair.
In fact, since Lauren quoted those statistics, things have gone further south. The latest Gallup research on employee engagement in Australia reveals that only 14% of employees are currently highly engaged in their work, while 71% couldn’t give a toss either way, and 15% are full of complainers who do everything they can to undermine their other colleagues’ efforts.
There is more and more compelling research on the commercial benefits of a fully engaged workforce.
According to the the latest Gallup study, companies with high employee engagement have:
* 37% lower absenteeism
* 25% lower turnover (in high-turnover organisations)
* 65% lower turnover (in low-turnover organisations)
* 28% less shrinkage
* 48% fewer safety incidents
* 41% fewer patient safety incidents
* 41% fewer quality incidents (defects)
* 10% higher customer metrics
* 21% higher productivity
* 22% higher profitability
How do you increase your own employee engagement? Turn your attention to the four forces of disengagement: job fit, manager, team and culture; and ask us about our Employee Experience Survey. We measure all four of those forces and provide action plans to address whatever gaps we uncover.

To obtain a sample Employee Experience Survey report, simply send me an email, with a subject line, Employee Experience Survey example. [email protected]

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Dawn answering the phone