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Developing more attuned leaders

Not everyone is a natural leader, but we believe everyone can lead…with a little help from science and data.

Solid leadership rests on two immutable pillars: self awareness and awareness of others.

Using science and data, we help even the most reluctant and inexperienced leaders to customise their leadership style in order to foster cohesion and results.

Understanding one’s own drives and needs in the workplace helps leaders gain insight into the way they prefer to lead and the impact their style has on others.

Understanding others’ drives and needs enables leaders to adapt and adjust their style to ensure new hires and existing employees alike feel valued, understood and well-utilised.

Self-awareness and awareness of others prevents churn that’s attributable to poor leadership.

We use The Predictive Index to pinpoint which of your leaders needs support and we enhance your leaders’ capabilities by employing data-based leadership learning techniques in workshop format to help leaders develop practical management strategies for each individual on their team.

You can start by exploring these recommended options.

Measure and evaluate

Workforce surveys + analysis

Surveys and assessments provide a baseline against which to measure improvement and direct our efforts in a very targeted manner.

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Predict and design

The Predictive Index software

Tap into human data analytics to make powerful, data-based people decisions, just as you would with any important financial decision.

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Enable and empower

Corporate workshops

Learning how to create an environment that enables people to do the best work of their lives, drives leaders’ energy and passion.

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Like to know more? We’d love to hear from you

Reach out to Dawn by phone or email for a confidential conversation. It costs nothing to chat.

Dawn answering the phone