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Art Meets Science: the Heartwired Leaders’ program

A Heartwired Leader’s quest is for continuous growth, not just your own, but the growth and development of others, as well as in the work you are responsible for.

Group of leaders who excel at leading their teams

A Heartwired Leader’s quest is for continuous growth, not just your own, but the growth and development of others, as well as in the work you are responsible for.

Our Heartwired Leaders’ program harnesses that quest for growth and provides regular building and layering skills in a safe learning environment.  The series leverages workforce analytics informed by The Predictive Index to enable participants to customise their approach to managing, coaching and inspiring peak performance from their team.

In short, it’s where the art of leadership meets the science of human data analytics.

This comprehensive full-day plus 10 x 2-hour module program helps leaders:

  • Gain a deeper understanding of self and others to better predict interpersonal dynamics, relationship strengths and blind spots
  • Leverage workforce analytics to customise management strategies and drive motivation to achieve better results faster
  • Develop insight into workplace behaviours and how to harness them to promote peak performance
  • Recognise, reward, and delegate work in a way that meets the intrinsic needs of each individual team member
  • Set aspirational goals for the team and their career development to lift engagement and sense of purpose.

Download a full outline of this highly practical, hands-on leadership series (205KB).

The quest for continuous growth

Leader icon

Who should attend?

Executive leaders, managers, project managers who are on a quest for continuous growth to get the best from their people

Why attend?

Acquire practical tools for setting expectations, improving job fit, recruiting the right people, retaining top performers & driving accountability

What’s the impact?

Leaders who spearhead a workplace that is intentionally designed to be optimised, engaged, and highly productive

Like to know more? We’d love to hear from you

Reach out to Dawn by phone or email for a confidential conversation. It costs nothing to chat.

Dawn answering the phone