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Designing the future: is your team “with” you?

If we want people “with” us, we need to paint what the future together looks like.  The right people will buy-in…the wrong people will leave.

Crystal ball to explain setting a vision for the future

One of the biggest challenges we face as a leader is inspiring our team to be “with” us on the journey to the future.

It’s all about vision.

It’s all about communicating a vision in a way that inspires and compels people to want to buy-in to that future.

A vision is a picture of the future.  While your past accomplishments may be inspiring, they’re in the past.  It’s your future and how you plan to build on the past and present to arrive at that future that will compel the right people to join you, and the right people to stay.

Being clear on your vision doesn’t just help you figure out where you’re going.  That’s one aspect for sure. But articulating your vision has many other benefits as well.  It helps you recruit people who align with your vision; it provides a compass for decisions on a day-to-day basis, as you evaluate whether decision A, B or C will take you closer to your vision or off on a tangent.  It helps you set standards for performance and behaviour that support the vision; it helps you retain the right people and helps you let people go when they are no longer in step with the vision.

If your vision is not as clear as it could be, or if you have trouble articulating your vision, ask yourself these 10 questions.   Your answers will help you assess where you’re going and how to express it in a way that is inspiring for others. 

If we want people “with” us, we need to paint what the future together looks like.  The right people will buy-in…the wrong people will leave.  You can only win from being clear about your vision!

1.  What do you want your organization to look like in 5 years’ time?

2.  What do you NOT want it to look like?

3.  Why does your business exist?  What’s its bigger purpose?

4.  Why would your team members want to be a part of it?

5.  What size will your organisation be in 5 years’ time?

6.  What structures, processes, and people will you need to achieve that?

7.  Who needs to leave and who can you not afford to lose? 

8.  What’s the experience you want your customers to have? 

9.  How do your people need to “be” to bring that experience?

10. What passionate and inspirational words will you use to paint your vision?

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