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People are a company’s biggest expense


The average company spends 64% of its total expenditure on its employees.

Sifting fact from fiction when recruiting


Resume spin, or “padding,” occurs even when jobs are plentiful, therefore it’s even more inevitable as candidates cover the gaps and colour their capabilities when supply is higher than demand.

What are you tolerating?


The price you pay for tolerating poor behaviour is a massive loss of respect; loss of respect from your staff, from your peers, from your superiors (if you have them) and even from your customers and suppliers.  

What are you ignoring?


Ignorance is bliss, they say…until it has a direct impact on your results and your revenue.

What are you modelling?


You can tell your staff, until you’re blue in the face, to do what you say…but, I can tell you right now, they won’t change. They’ll continue to do what you do: because you’re sending them mixed signals.

The real reason employees don’t live up to expectations


Is it unreasonable to expect people to do a good job? To care about the quality of their work? To treat the place like it was their own? What happened to having pride in your work?

What are you enabling?


If you’ve got behaviour in your workplace that you don’t like, it’ll be because of YOU. As leaders, we often enable poor behaviour by our very own behaviour. 

Running effective meetings


Effectively run meetings enable managers to accomplish more in a shorter time, with the added benefit of group involvement and buy-in.

How can you NOT see a whale?


There’s this need for balance between being observant, “scanning” if you like, while looking to the horizon. If you only look at the sand at your feet, you’ll miss the whales.

Are your leadership habits holding you (& your business) back?


How many of us take a good, hard look at ourselves, to see what it is that WE'RE doing to create the results we're getting?

The fine line between engaging leadership and enforcing policy


Critical thinking and employing initiative are two of the best skills you can hone as a leader – they’re also two of the best skills you can help develop in people around you.  

Three leadership lessons from an election landslide


Ultimately, the market always decides the future. Being able to read signs of discontent and acting upon them ensures longevity. 

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